Fuze Temporary Location and Fuze Home


Fuze uses both a temporary location, the Fuze Temporary Location (FTL) and a “home” location for cacheing purposes.

What is the FTL?

The FTL is a directory in your local file system that serves the following purposes:

  • The packaging operation executes in the FTL

  • All packages specified via the build map and requested with the –package option are exported to the FTL. This is where you get them.

  • All Fuze log files are found in the FTL at the conclusion of the build operation

  • All dependencies are exported to the FTL

Where is my FTL?

Your FTL will either be in a location defined by you in your workspace.ini file, or it will chosen by Fuze. If chosen by Fuze, it will be in an OS-supported temp location.

Regardless of whether you have chosen it, or Fuze has, its location for each Fuze execution will be shown to you by the Fuze stdout and log file.

Specified in workspace.ini File

You may wish to specify the location of the FTL for any number of reasons: convenience, automation, etc. If you specify it, you must ensure that the location you choose does exist and you have write permissions.

To specify the FTL in your workspace file, see the specification in the workspace.ini file page for the [build] section.


Do NOT choose your workspace as your FTL

Your FTL should NEVER be the same as your workspace. If you specify an FTL location that is a directory in which you have other files and directories, a --clean-ftl WILL delete ALL contents of that directory. We strongly recommend that you choose an FTL location that is empty and only used for Fuze temporary files.

For example, in a linux host OS, if the FTL was specified as “/home/user/tmp”:

INFO     Browse this fuze workspace at /home/user/tmp/190130-fe-6757

Chosen By Fuze

If you do not specify the FTL location in the workspace.ini file, Fuze will choose a location based upon the local OS’s temp location rules. You cannot guarantee the location of the FTL, but the Fuze Stdout for an operation that uses FTL will always tell you where it is.

For example, in a linux host OS:

INFO     Browse this fuze workspace at /var/folders/0d/yswg0_2j6_n7ngkw49fh_qy40000gn/T/tmp7757i0xy

An example from a Windows host OS:

INFO     Browse this fuze workspace at C:\Users\jl205\AppData\Local\Temp\190130-fe-6757

Why FTL Instead of my Workspace?

Three reasons:

  • A sequestered location in which to execute the fuze operations, including the packaging operations, so as not to encounter namespace or other types of collisions.

  • Clear separation between what executes in the CBE and the Fuze local operations. To use the development workspace would potentially provide unnecessary clutter, as well as requiring many more entries in the .gitignore files.

  • The FTL is truly temporary in that it can be regenerated and deleted for each Fuze execution, whereas the workspace is a persistent directory structure.

Delete the FTL Contents

The FTL takes real disk space, and therefore, you will likely wish to clean it up occasionally. To do so, see the cleaning up page for more information.

What is Fuze Home?

Fuze home is a cache and local db area. Fuze uses its home to cache dependency packages and some other configuration options. This allows Fuze to speed up it’s processes.

Where is Fuze Home?

Fuze will determine the location, but it is usually in the user’s home directory. It is a hidden directory labeled .fuze.

Deleting Fuze Home

Occasionally, you may want to delete the contents of your local Fuze home. The typical reason is because a synchronization problem has occured. See the cleaning up page for more information.